
Saturday, March 17, 2018

Outdoor Photos

Of all the stuff taught in schools never used, it would seem there would be a photography course.. seeing endless photos of blurred faces, poor color saturation, blurred faces .. ugh

School Event pics under the Gazebo 

Under a gazebo or any shelter that has a roof but open so light comes through

Overcast .. pics wont be too bad .. but

If it is bright out when people are under a roof, the light behind em can ruin your pics
Any time the light behind people is brighter than the light falling on their face they are back lit.

1  At Rising Park
I see Soooo many pics of couples taken here in bright sun and their features are obscured.
All dressed up an event that only takes place a few times in their lives.
All their friends n family rave how beautiful.. yeah because they are loved.

2  At Rising Park
Ah ha some one knew about the magic of fill in flash.
I don't know about new phone camera flash units but most are not powerful as a dedicated digital camera flash.
Fill in means it will flash every time regardless of how light or dark it is.
The closer to people the greater effect the flash will have so you might need to go for a waist up shot to move in close.
Afternoon the sun is toward the tennis court.
Glasses can cause a reflection but having people with glasses to shift their head around a bit changes the angle the flash hits and you will get some good shots with out a reflection

3  I don't know where these guys are, just a point about light
The kids in front are well lit, the roof is not putting their faces in the shade. In back the eyes can not be seen.. poor color saturation and detail

4  Don't know where this pic was taken but
Overcast and the kids came out from under the roof where the faces are well exposed.

Check the weather map
If you want to stand on top of Mt P with the city behind you, the best time is before 10 so you are not back lit or use fill in light

If the sun is not shinning through.. cloudy, you can get good pics on Mt P with Lancaster in the background

If you want to stand on Mt P with Lancaster in the background
*  Before 10 AM you are good
*  Midday the sun will cause harsh shadows, turn your back to the sun and have the photographer get close and use fill in flash

*  IF it is a bit warm out, the climb will make you a bit red and likely perspire. Walk up about an hour before and have a handkerchief to blot.

*  After noon back of peoples head toward the fairground, photograph on top with them, move in and use flash

*  After noon people facing the fairground, photographer with a powerful telephoto down on the fairgrounds shooting people on top.

*  Standing under trees, overcast is ok but if the sun is filtering through the trees there will be cobweb shadows on those you are taking pics of. Move em to solid shade.
When you take pics of groups in spotty shade some faces will be hard to see.

Maybe the photography club could create a short course of outdoor photography n students could do a short trip.
(Day selected by checking the weather forecast)


Gazebo pics

How pics have I seen of people getting pics under the gazebo where their faces are hidden in the shadow.

The lights on your camera phones are not very powerful so you have to be close. Go after the waist to the top of the head.
The light will bring out their eyes and give the face good color saturation

Just try it on a sunny day, put some pals under the gazebo while they r n the shade, move in close and take one pic with and one pic with out fill n flash .. digital camera or phone  

Almost any day of the year you can walk up n find couples, friends n families looking over our turf.
You can decrease the contrast a bit n make the sky orange but you must use flash
The effect that flash will have depends on distance. Move in and frame em from the waist up. Make sure the sun is peeking behind them.. they don't cover it. Move in and out a bit taking a couple shots. Pick the best n delete the rest :)  

Here I compared flash n no flash with these guys. When the light is brighter behind someone their face becomes kind of a silhouette.

These two pics were taken seconds apart. Flash makes the difference between muddy shots or great color saturation and sparkling eyes.
Think waist to the top of the head shot. You can adjust the effect of the flash by moving closer or further away.. with a new digital camera you can use your flash compensation.

Dealing with glare, sunglasses take em off, regular glasses have your person keep looking at the camera but moving their head up, down, right, left slightly n one of the pics should have no glare. 

You can get super nice shots from Mt P.

At fair time or after dark with the city lights, you can get great people pics, but you have to use your phone light or camera flash to make the magic work ...


They painted numbers on the post, this spot is at post 32.
Standing at this location is a rock a little higher then the rest.
Having your people just on the other side of the rail you will have a downward view ... great shot

If it is overcast, tilt the camera down to avoid the sky and use flash

Remove hats.. hoods n if it is a bit windy place any long hair persons so their hair is not flying in the faces of their pals.

Get em to remove any sun glasses, if they have regular glasses have em move their heads n slightly different directions while looking at the camera
.. and USE FLASH

Some like to walk out toward the edge but just let em duck under the rail so they are just on the other side. Some of em r like chipmunks sitting on the edge.. keep em close to the rail.

Standing on my favorite spot it was afternoon n I turned their faces from the sun. Because the light behind them was brighter than the light falling on their faces their faces would have been in a bit of a shadow.
Having them move close I turned the flash all the way up n produced great color saturation n made their eyes sparkle.

Your phones use LEDs (I guess) so it is a constant light. The closer any light flash/led is the greater the effect.
Light causes your eyes to close down a bit. If you are using a phone camera.. I guess it is not a flash.. so
But if you use a flash, it will do it's job before you have a chance to squint.

Glasses/reflective surfaces are a bit of a problem but you can get pretty good shots any way.

When people wear sun glasses ask em to put them on top of their head.
When you are at the park there will be other visitors near. Instead of trying to get a selfie with your pals, just ask someone to take.. 3 shots... one will be the best one :)
So close a cool place to get pets for my Pup n pics on my photo safari's. As soon as I get home I share my photos on facebook.
Sony a65, 600mm Tamon and tripod (Oct 9, 2018)

There are dozens of Rising Park websites and facebook groups just like mine. My Google Map with a few of my favorites.

A few Others ... click on their photo links

Rising Park on Google Maps

Rising Park offical facebook page

Mt Pleasant in Rising Park

Rising Park Paper Mill

Rising Park ...

etc.. hundreds of sites just like mine and thousands upon thousands of photos just like mine on social media.
Such a great place to photograph n get pets for your pups :)

Sunrise Photos

Lancaster, Ohio

Photographers travel around the world and plan months ahead of time to capture special images that only happen at that place and that particular time.
Some times after great planning and expense the weather ruins it.
Seeing some of the great pics of FB pals, I am guessing they might be into capturing a sunrise coming up directly behind Mt. Pleasant.
*  What is the weather forcast for that morning
*  Where is a place with no obsticals in the view.
*  If taking a video, what cars or people will be passing in front of the camera.
*  One of our best spots are in the fairground parking lot by broad street (the county fair going on in that period) will it have cars and campers still there?

3rd attempt
2021 I got my wish no clouds but the sun flare wiped out detail. Next year maybe ...
Doing time lapse and video, I did capture geese flying over, that will be a good clip to add.
I capture a great full moon that night.

My first two attempts were over by the fence (marked 1). Taking time lapse and video people walking in front and cars driving around added unwanted content.

Time lapse, you can pshop the stills but it is a lot of work.
I am guessing setting a tripod on the race track (yellow 2) on the inside rail so joggers would not get in the capture would work out.

There are some poles and electric lines in the view from position 2, so check that out before u get up early .. that day

There are a couple weeks in the spring to capture the sun coming up directly behind Mt. P. 

Also there is an app called photopills that some of you might know how to use but I don't have an internet camera so I use the desktop version
You might have an accurate prediction of the days and places to setup.

In October the sunrise will follow this path.

An Intervalometer (for time lapse) can be bought for less than $50. Some cameras have them built in.

Places to set up a tripod where people n cars won't get in the view on the track inside next to the white rail.

There are sooooo many beautiful photos of sunsets but I have not seen any such sunrise images of the sun coming up behind Mt. P.
Maybe you live in a place where you can see the sunrise, you could hone your skills then if you get froggy take a shot of capturing a sunrise from the fairgrounds.

FB group for others who love Mt. Pleasant

Live Video

In 2018 they had a big idea about lighting up the face of Mt Pleasant. There was quite a debate, it would ruin the beauty <> It will be something people come to see and will be talked about for generations. Cost a bit of $$$
*  It doesnt bother anyone, dont know it is there in the daytime and after dark, an area looks similar as it does in the day time.
*  It can only be seen for a very limited area, a fraction of the population. Because of light fall off, it is no more than a glimmer of a street light to the west of town.

Turn on the news channel when they are doing the traffic report and you can see what is going on for miles around with their traffic cameras.

Photos I took are close but do not reflect the perspective of the camera locations in this post.

Just wonder if they mounted a camera pointed at Mount Pleasant and the other to the west.

People could see when events were going on at the fair.
See what the chipmunks were doing on top. One time I came Mt P was covered with these guys.

And of course because the video was live, those on top could take selfies of themselves on top

Looking west people could see the city covered or watch the sunset with others that standing on top.

You can't go on top during the fireworks, but if the camera was mounted there, the fireworks and visitors could be seen by people home or any who have moved far away.

The county fair at night is beautiful .
Belonging to a high school group, classmates have moved through out the states and even other countries.
When people post pics of Mt Pleasant they light up.

I would guess Time Warner might donate the internet service.

Now integrate the visual images with a local radio station.
With generic music liked by most.. and sharing local events.
When the fireworks was the event, the music speeches, Christmas music 
With cell phones the radio station could have roving reporters 

The thought of the lights bringing visitors.. not much, but I'll bet the live view of and from Mt Pleasant would entice many to come.
I sent this message
Some years ago I emailed one of your people and they indicated something might be done Here in Lancaster we have a 'mountain' that draws people to the top to gaze at the view. 

They come from surrounding counties, states and I have met a couple from different countries Directly below we have our fairgrounds .. The park already has light poles there. 

I thought having cameras mounted at the face of the mountain and west to watch the sunsets and events at the fair ground might be of interest to them. 
I have no connection, just a guy who has been coming out for years. Guessing advertisment supports your cameras ?
 Kind of the general idea here 
If the project might float and ideas of what it would take, I will pass it on to the park people 
Thanks Buddy

Mount Pleasant, Rising Park, Lancaster Ohio, Photos, Maps

Moon over Mount Pleasant

 A question for your science or astronomy teacher

In the last years I have tried to photograph Mount Pleasant through out the seasons.

I have captured some great sunsets from the top and not so good photos of the sun rising behind Mount Pleasant

I saw a snap shot someone took of the moon over Mount Pleasant while driving down Broad Street.

There must be several days a year when you can stand in the fairgrounds parking lot (by Broad Street) and view the moon passing over the top of Mount Pleasant

Standing here

Fairgrounds parking lot

39.725986495904706, -82.60309285477342

Looking 'east' to

39.7250788081665, -82.5950354988868

Mount Pleasant

The object is capturing the moon coming up directly behind Mount Pleasant from the place you are standing. In the fairground parking lot this only takes place a couple times a year.
Three tries, once it did not come out, the second time big dark clouds came over just as it was rising and this time (2021) I thought perfect but it was so bright the camera flare .. ugh.

I can capture great sunsets.. but I think to get a sunrise the sky must have a thin layer of clouds over it.. maybe try next year 😉

Another location might be on the hill at Forest Rose if you could get in there after dark

I am guessing there is  software or a chart that predicts such things

I would like to stand in the parking lot and capture the moon moving over top of the mountain

Is there any days of the year when the moon takes that path and if so what time  would the moon  be visible in that path

the tripod would be by Broad Street or at Forest Rose.

Just pretend like you were planning to photograph the moon moving over Mt P, what day and time would you set up your tripod?
Not ready to read


Photo pills Moon

There are so many beautiful things to photograph outside the earth and there are things on earth that are to be photographed.

Things on earth to be photographed with the moon in the background (Mount Pleasant in Rising Park)

Load Google Earth,-82.59859387,257.05829813a,999.7007584d,35y,359.99999999h,0t,0r/data=CigiJgokCXVPyqH82kNAEYdbdONF2UNAGU9313LOpVTAIYEgkTsAp1TA 

* Click on 2D

You need to know the height of this thing 
*  When it loads move the cursor over Mount Pleasant until you see the highest number there (bottom right) 333
* Drag the little man to Broad Street and move the map around

You need to find a place to view the thing to be photographed with out any obstructions. (Fairgrounds parking lot by Broad Street)
* Drag the little man over to Broad Street to get the street view.
* Move the map around to look toward Mount Pleasant.
Note from the parking lot there is nothing to obstruct the view of Mt Pleasant

*  On Photopills press on an area near Broad Street and the red pin will move there.

You need to know the elevation of the place the tripod will set
*  Move the cursor over near Broad Street and keep track of the elevation (lower right) 255

Icons bright = on, dim = off

* Click on planner
* At the top swipe to see them then reset all icons to make them dim -

 Only the red pin is visible on the map

* Click on the load button at the bottom 
[Search address]

*  Type Rising Park
*  When you see one In Lancaster Ohio, poke it

Bottom of the screen
* Click Load

* Begin to type rising park and when you see the one in Lancaster Ohio, poke it.


Mount Pleasant, Rising Park, Lancaster Ohio, Photos, Maps

Sky Observers

Sky observers who live near Broad Street.

Capturing a sunrise behind Mount Pleasant can only be done a few weeks in the spring and fall.

I have made a couple tries but the clouds did not play nice
I have to drive to Lancaster, set up and wait.

I took a tripod and telephoto on Mt. Pleasant and scanned the sky here are some of the photos from Mt. P .

I saw some houses in a good path to view the sun and moon, relative to Mt. P. 
I thought living here, would be great to observe these events.

There are locations around the earth where photographers plan a year ahead for the sun to be in the perfect position to catch a shot.
Millions of apps like photopills are sold to photographers to plan their photo shoots.

One attempt
Another attempt 

Either the sun was not directly behind Mt. P. or the clouds got in the way.

It should look something like this

In addition to the sun relative to Mt. Pleasant, the moon also. I saw a photo of the moon rising behind (someone driving by in a car)

If you live with a clear view of Mt. P. (broad street direction) and might contribute you can join this facebook group and post photos when you spotted these sun/moon events.

When you join a group you can be swamped with stuff you don't wanna see. After joining click on the unfollow options and then you can post your info.

The moon and sun move pretty fast.. so record the time the photos are taken :)

My video of a sunset when a plane flew over the sun. I hope to make a complete video from sunrise, sunset and the moon behind or passing over Mt. P... 

There is a light pole in the parking lot that I set up in front of so it is not in the view. As the sun is coming up there were trucks and people walking by but I can fix that.
In front of the light pole is a prime location to mark the spot X

If they know what they are talking about, the sun and moon will be in the same positions on the same date and time the following year.. so this would be a guide for when to set up to take photos from the parking lot. (of course the sky condition is a factor)

There are thousands of photos and videos taken from the top of Mt. Pleasant but few great pics of Mt P from ground level.

This is Kookie's fb account (my pup)


Mount Pleasant, Rising Park, Lancaster Ohio, Photos, Maps



This is not a park gadget.

 I love photography and it is my own experiment with ideas to promote  Mount Pleasant and photo ideas. 😂 

If you would like to invite your pack to meet on 
Mt Pleasant  This page will let you share an invitation 

Using the wood slots below  the red arrow.
Pick the slot that your camera fits in
Turn the camera horizontally so the lens is out.
Line up your pals making room for yourself
Turn on the timer and jump in the shot



 If you take pics with this gadget or your own and want to share them on Instagram, use the tag #risingpark.

I see so many people trying to do pics with their pals sticking out their arms or sometimes putting their phones on the ground like THIS, so I was inspired to think of some gadget to hold phones .

To get the best photos with your gang, I figure is just ask another visitor there if they will take your pic together. Do 5, one will be better than all the rest.

Depending the day of the year, the sun can set to the extreme left or right. I created a map HERE that will put you in the ball park. 

I have managed to get Mount Pleasant on Google Maps.
There are so many Mount Pleasants when it is typed in.. ugh so I got them to list it as Mount Pleasant in Rising Park.

You can write your review on the map and post a couple of your best photos if you get froggy HERE. The bright orange line is where it vanishes.
* If it is hot or bright, bring sun glasses and something to blot the perspiration from faces 😋
*  As the sun goes down, point the camera away to that background and put your subject in it.
*  On the descent it will get dimmer and a darker color, that is when to put your subject in front of it and use flash.
After it goes down.. not dark there will be a colorful band of color. My favorite time to take people's pic and use fill in flash.

Locals come to Mt Pleasant a lot and I see many from a distances. They post their pics but are never there the same time as their pals.
At the bottom here are a couple small icons. You can share this page on twitter or facebook by clicking on them.
When to come, I would suggest the 3rd week end in June.

Previous tripod attempts.. 


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Click the f  or t icon below to share this page.


Time Lapse

Using time lapse for a photo shoot.
Time lapse is known for capturing star trails, squeezing a long period of time into a short clip and such things

I thought of another great application

If your camera does not have a built in timer (intervalometer)
You can buy one to work with your brand of camera. 

Here they are on Amazon 

I wanted to go to town but goofed off too long, so I did a little demo in the yard.
Delay  Long Intvl N Sound (music note) on this model.

Each field has these times to set
Hr Min Sec
00    00    00

*  Delay is how long you want the timer to wait till it starts taking pics
.. I set it at 15 secs to allow myself time to get in the frame
00 00 15

*  Long is ONLY for time exposures
.. 00 00 00

*  Intvl is how long you want it to wait between shots.
.. 00 00 20 This allowed me to move around to get in a different pose and try to get Kookie in position.

* N  number of shots
.. 11, I set the gadget to take 11 pics

* Sound off

I plugged it into my camera (forgot to adjust the settings but wanted to get it done)

I turned my camera to a 2 second timer (because on timer you get an audio warning and know it is ready to take a pic )

Every 20 seconds the meter would click the shutter which started the 2 sec timer.. just wanted that so I could hear when it was about to take a photo

Had a movie camera on a tripod that took a video of the camera with the timer on a tripod.. so you could get the idea.

In an actual photo shoot you might have a list of poses ready to get into for the next shot.
Pics bad.. had the camera set for a unique lighting but you can get the idea.

Each of these photos were taken automatically while the model (ugh me n Kookie) squirmed around.. but if you wanna do a photo shoot of yourself or with pals.. this is a super cool method.

IF you were using a timer on your camera you would have to keep going back and forth but with this setup, you just have to be in the frame with your chosen background and your photographer (time lapse camera) will take as many as you chose.. just letting others see the ones you like.

When people wanna do pics, I tell em go search google images for poses. If they captured poses they wanted on their phones they could look at the phones for a pose, after it was taken, scroll to the next pose and be ready for the next shot.. a lot easier than figuring a pose in a matter of seconds.. 

I am not into phone cameras but they do make time lapse apps for phone cameras, you would just have to put your phone on a tripod :)
I hoped to get some hams make the demo.. :)

If I can find some local 'models' to do a well planned demo.. well :)